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DXWrestling Rules & Regulations

All members of DXWrestling must abide by these rules.

Rule-1: Must be active in regular chat group. You can chat if you want.

Rule-2: You can now do promo cut in Bengali as well. But I would advise to do it in English. Because it will increase English skills. 

Rule-3: Avoid personal attacks. No wrestler can personally attack another wrestler. But if it's for the storyline, it's different.

Rule-4: Sensitive / 18 + Word usage is restricted. F *** National Word One promo should be used to a limited extent. Also the word mot ** erf **** has been completely banned.

Rule-5: The authorities will try to find out if there is a quarrel with any member of the group for any reason. The authority will act as the highest arbitrator.
 Rule 6: Other quizzes or any group will be suspended without the permission of the company.

Rule-6: Release must be sought 7 days before leaving the company. The company may release you at any time if you act against the company's policy     

Regulation Regulation Reviewed by DXWrestling on Wednesday, September 02, 2020 Rating: 5

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